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Our Structures
C2-GAP region of RasGAP (p120RasGAP, RASA1)
PDB code 9BZ4
Autoregulation of the LIM kinases by their PDZ domain
Casanova-Sepúlveda et al., 2023
PDB code 8GI4
RasGAP SH2-SH3-SH2 region with doubly phosphorylated p190RhoGAP
PAK4 recognition of integrin β5
DLC1 GAP domain with p120RasGAP SH3 domain
PDB code 7TPB
PAK4 recognition of physiological substrates
FLVR-unique SH2 domain
p120RasGAP N-SH2 with p190RhoGAP phosphopeptide
N-terminal pseudoGTPase domain of p190RhoGAP
PDB code 6D4G
CDC42 with PAK4
PEAK1 (Sugen Kinase 269) pseudokinase
PDB code 6BHC
PAK4 crystal structures suggest unusual kinase conformational movements
p190RhoGAP proteins contain pseudoGTPase domains
LIMK1 recognition of cofilin
PDB code 5D68
MEKK3 PB1 domain in complex with CCM2 HHD domain
Fisher, Deng, Liu et al., 2015
PDB code 4Y5O
CCM3 recognition of CCM2 LD motif
PDB code 4TVQ
ABL2/ARG kinase with Dasatinib
PDB code 4XLI
CCM2 PTB domain in complex with KRIT1
PDB code 4WJ7
SNX17 FERM domain with KRIT1 peptide
PDB code 4TKN
Abl SH2
PDB code 4EIH
DFG+1 Ser/Thr kinase specificity
PAK6 substrate and inhibitor specificity
ICAP1 and KRIT1 peptide
PDB code 4JIF
SHP1 apo and phosphate bound
SAXS analysis of the Integrin Linked Kinase, PINCH, parvin (IPP) heterotrimeric complex
KRIT1 with ICAP1
SHP-1/JAK1 interaction
RAC1-P29S is a spontaneously activating cancer-associated GTPase
CCM2 Harmonin Homology Domain
PDB code 4FQN
Beta-parvin binding to paxillin
KRIT1 FERM with Rap1
PDB code 4DXA
SAXS for polycystin-2
Lysozyme contamination in a cortactin-Arg-lysozyme complex
PDB code 3ULR
CCM3 recognition of paxillin LD motifs
NMR structure of the EF-hand domain of polycystin-2
PDB code 2KQ6
PDB code 3IXE
Integrin-linked kinase ARD with PINCH1 LIM1 domain
PDB code 3F6Q
Jak3 kinase domain
PDB code 1YVJ
Extracellular C-Cadherin
PDB code 1L3W
G-protein signaling by tubby proteins
PDB codes 1I7E
Calcium bound Adiponectin
PDB code 1C3H
Apocrustacyanin C1 crystals grown in space
PDB codes 1C8Z
Lysozyme crystals grown in space, earth, gel and microbatch
d(CGCGAASSCGCG)2, synthetic DNA dodecamer duplex containing four 4'-thio-2'-deoxythymidine nucleotides
PDB code 233D